Friday, 1 January 2016

Common Earthworm

My first specimen that's actually on the list! Tried many photos, but none really came out right: that's really the best one.
It's a Common Earthworm, and its scientific name is Lumbricus Terrestris.

Striped Woodlouse


My first specimen caught on camera!
One problem though: I went outside, and said to myself that I would post the FIRST species I saw, which happened to be a Woodlouse. After I took all the pictures, I noticed that I didn't even have that species on the list!
So it's still 0 for the list. But at least I got some pictures! The species I am looking for is Oniscus Asellus, commonly known as the Common, or Shiny Woodlouse.
The species I found was Philoscia Muscorum, commonly known as the Striped Woodlouse.

Photo Equipment

So far for photos, I have been using these 3 things:

  • My Phone (Photos)
  • 1 6x Magnifier Hand Lens with LED
  • A yellow lamp
So far I have not been able to get hold of a really good camera, so most of my photos will not be that good.

Yellow Lamp

6x Magnifier Hand Lens with LED